Recent content by VishalSEO

  1. V

    Tool for Keyword variations

    This javascript will do "Word Occurrences" then you sort them now you have clean list and pick top 5 keywords from the list, this will filter out long weird keywords. ask chatgpt to make this code change for your usage. // Extract the titles array safely const titlesArray =...
  2. V

    Tool for Keyword variations

    maybe filter to max. 3or5 words?
  3. V

    Tool for Keyword variations

    A prompt with all extracted keywords and ask for keywords related to primary keyword, for me this prompt removed brand mentions and long sentences that I noticed for a search I performed.
  4. V

    Tool for Keyword variations

    SERP API has variable output "snippet_highlighted_words", gives you list of bolded keywords from SERP. there might be other ser You can ask chatgpt to write javascript to extract bolded words from SERP. Bookmark this and press when on SERP OR Press F12 will open browser console and paste the...
  5. V


    result of error, NullFactor could mean absence of value as it failed to fetch/output factorname. those factors as it's not used since value is 0 for all and again assuming 0 values supposed to be hidden/removed from the report. missing factors starting from bottom are Title has Useful, Popular...