AI as a editor, prompt suggestions.

Wayne Smith

I'm currently using ChatGPT as an editor for content.

Asking questions like:
  • Are there parts of the page that are difficult for AI to read?
  • Are there Grammar issues on the page?
  • based on what is now published on URL what key points are important for [topic] and Does URL cover those key points?
Any suggestions on what prompts I should add for ChatGPT to more effectively work as a editor?


This question was helpful for using ChatGPT as an editor.
  • what content on the page seems to not tie into the topic?
and gain of knowledge test, which for all I currently can tell may only aid long tail search? Has anyone devised a gain of knowledge test?
  • what entities are being used which are not common to other pages on the topic.
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I like to ask for things inline with user intent. Also formatting that maximizes semantic triples without sacrificing readability.