Anand's Amazing AI content tool


Using a Cora report and Anand's AI content tool, I, Frase Report 2025-03-21.jpgachieved Frase content scores above 100—something Frase itself struggles to calculate accurately. Why?
Because the AI app isn’t just keyword-stuffing, it's generating content using topical clusters, LSI, and deep semantic relevance, aligned with Cora’s core scoring factors.

And just last night, we released the latest version of the 3K Words App (Cora 7.2), which reflects ongoing updates, backend testing, and constant improvement.

💡Quick Highlights:​

  • ✅ Officially listed on Cora's main website
  • 🔁 Unlimited Runs (for now) using your own OpenAI key
  • ⚙️ Advanced AI layers (not just GPT) running under the hood
  • ⏳ Last chance before we switch to per-run pricing
  • 🧠 Built on the sharp, unmatched precision of the Cora Roadmap

    So if anyone want to subscribe it may be right time today
Hi @Terry
Thanks for sharing it.

According to Frase, the score might actually be well above 100, although their tool only displays values up to 100. It is truly an honor for me to have reached that level on their scorecards.

I have never encountered anything like this before, and I wasn’t aware it was even possible—but we made it happen for a good cause. Since Frase only shows scores up to 100, the actual score could be 120, 150, or even higher.

As for our content >> it is Cora Optimized from our Cora AI Apps >> so we follow Cora Roadmap as our guidelines and this Frase score is byproduct of what we did for good.

But its good to know our Cora AI Apps can now make content recognized by other on page score scanners too.