Blog Carousels


Hi all I am reposting the question I added on Skype here:

It was mentioned to me that adding a blog container/element onto the wordpress home page can potentially up the keyword density. Can someone suggest which plug in they are using for this or if there's any best practice?

We have implemented phase 1 to 4 but without seeing much results. This was a suggestion mentioned to us, thanks!
It's a question on how you've built the Homepage, most page builders have query loop element to fetch blog posts.

However since it's only homepage we're talking about you might as well just build those post elements by hand. You'll be able to tailor the article titles, heading hierarchy yourself to target correct zones and keywords you'd want and also anchors for the blog posts, most likely you'll be able to add custom alt texts for post images, write a unique excerpt that would fit your desired keyword density and potentially avoid those read more links to the article, since some page builders adds them just, does a display none :D

Drawback more manual work and it doesn't update with new posts
Honestly, I think you're most likely wasting your time adding these. I assume these would just add a couple of headings and paragraphs to your page - in other words, just a couple of variations, entities and LSIs.

You said you've implemented phase 1 - 4. To what extend? When you run a new report are there still tons of deficits listed in these phrases?

Also have a look at the Overview and Shared data tabs. What are the main deficits mentioned there? Same for the offpage tab.

An easy way to fix deficits is to add FAQs at the bottom of the page and stuff all the missing terms in there.

If you have ticked all these boxes, perhaps reach out to Ted.

Hope this helps