Tool for Keyword variations


Maybe someone in community knows of a good tool to extract and sanity filter keyword variations from SERP. I guess Cora can do it, but I'm not making enough from personal projects to be able to afford that :D
Not a tool but Clint had a great spot in his podcast yesterday about manually checking variation intent
Watched the podcast, but it really didn't have much on keyword variations. Even how you filter out what actually to consider a keyword variation is something that i'd love to know. Like the sometimes the SERP bolds almost whole sentences where they're kind of not that closely related. Exmple: virtual network firewall

I don't think <em>Using Azure Firewall Manager, you can create a hub virtual network</em> is a variation of my keyword, since it doesn't make sense for me, but perhaps someone has already tested things and knows how to identify those variations in a better way?
For existing urls, check in GSC what keywords the url gets impression for, and manually filter through those.
Checked the Bradley podcast, interesting checked couple keywords that I'm more or less familiar with and looks like his theory doesn't reflect in SERP rankings, also kind of limited.

The GSC is good source to fetch those long tail keywords, but it's not the variation I'm looking for. I'm more into knowing how to find out variations of a keyword that I'm targeting, basically that @Ted keeps on mentioning and what Cora I assume does :D

I know it's the bolded terms in SERP, but do we include Bold text from Sponsored result, AI overviews, rich snippets or PAA answers or People also search for. And which ones are the variation and which one is just a sentence that i need to ignore or perhaps extract the variation from it.

And Ideally free or cheap automated tool to get that :D
Google changed the bolded terms in the Serps a couple of weeks ago, to now include those odd sentences.

From what I can see, Ted is still figuring out a way to get accurate variations in Cora again. For now, I look through the Serps for obvious ones like the plural, or other close variants. After that I look through GSC as I mentioned above. But there may be better ways...
I've found one free extension, it kind of gives what I want but I think it's lacking quite a few variations, also it's nice that it checks for the entities yet also the output is not to my complete liking...

Another extension just fetches everything bolded, example search: How to bake a cake:

easy cake recipe requires just 7 ingredients
how do you make a cake from scratch?
"flour, sugar, eggs, butter or oil, baking powder, and milk"
drop the temperature to 325°f
best vanilla cake recipe
learn how to make the best vanilla cake
1. an oven
easy & soft butter cake recipe ever
heat the oven to 350°f
"1:1:1:1 ratio of sugar, fat, eggs and self raising flour"
"easy to make, ideal for beginners"
how to bake a cake
must-know baking tips and tricks
place the cake pan on the centre rack of your preheated oven
learn the essentials of cake-making
make the most amazing moist and delicious vanilla cake
classic vanilla cake recipe made entirely from scratch
"whisking flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl"
"old favourites, traditional bakes and new flavours"
step-by-step guide to baking a scratch cake
easy berry icebox cake
how to make a cake manually without any machines and oven
place the cake pan on a baking sheet and put it on the bottom rack of your oven
"add the rest of the dry ingredients – cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt"
measure out 500 grams of all purpose flour
preheat it for about 10-15 minutes
place it in a preheated 250°f oven for 3 to 5 minutes
use a convection oven
divide the batter evenly between the cake pans
nigerian cake ingredients
pre-heat oven to 325
cook on low flame for 35-40 minutes
steps to baking a cake at home
how to bake a cake in 7 easy steps
preheat the oven to 350 degrees f
for 30 to 35 minutes
cake recipes
baking a cake
bake cakes
bake a cake
making a cake
baking cakes
bake cake
for beginners
step by step with pictures
at home

The thing is from this list I can pick some variations like the recipe, make a cake, learn, maybe even step-by-step guide probably would be the variations, but I'm unsure... Also I feel like i need to filter something out from those long sentences :D
Bradley's point was that some variations already include other variations. I would be cautious about assuming something doesn't work because you don't see it, rather than testing it. YMMV. Cheers man.
Yes but when there’s opposite evidence in SERP, I kind of look at that statement as non valid or not applicable for my case.

There might be difference since i think he’a talking about local and my main focus is organic rankings for terms.

So in video he claimed that you can create one page for roofing maintenance instead of multiple pages on roofing repair, roofing replacement, ect… But if you check the SERP for roofing repair what ranks is roofing repairs pages not maintenance ones, even when they have more backlinks and mention roofing repairs quite few times.

When saying i’ve checked keywords, ment that i know we had created seperate pages for synonims since the SERP has shown mostly different results when we were thinking about clustering those keywords. And by synonins i mean they mean the same just have different namings, but to rank on google with any of them you need to focus focus on onr, but add to appropite zones the other ones… So now I went back looked at wikipedia which one is the main term and which ones are like related or if they’re related according to wikipedia and unfortunetly what I found is that you can’t just cover wide topic and rank with those keywords
SERP API has variable output "snippet_highlighted_words", gives you list of bolded keywords from SERP. there might be other ser
You can ask chatgpt to write javascript to extract bolded words from SERP. Bookmark this and press when on SERP OR Press F12 will open browser console and paste the code there, hit enter, a popup will have list of keywords. if you want to do bulk keywords then use any ai workflow builder and pass serp source code through a javascript node will output only the bolded keywords. don't forget to set Google settings/preference (search settings) to display 100 results.

(function() {
  var emTags = document.getElementsByTagName('em');
  var emWords = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < emTags.length; i++) {
    emWords += emTags[i].textContent + '\n';
  if (emWords !== '') {
    var tempInput = document.createElement('textarea');
    tempInput.value = emWords.trim();
    alert('Copied the text:\n\n' + emWords.trim());
  } else {
    alert('No <em> tags found on this page.');
SERP API has variable output "snippet_highlighted_words", gives you list of bolded keywords from SERP. there might be other ser
You can ask chatgpt to write javascript to extract bolded words from SERP. Bookmark this and press when on SERP OR Press F12 will open browser console and paste the code there, hit enter, a popup will have list of keywords. if you want to do bulk keywords then use any ai workflow builder and pass serp source code through a javascript node will output only the bolded keywords. don't forget to set Google settings/preference (search settings) to display 100 results.

(function() {
  var emTags = document.getElementsByTagName('em');
  var emWords = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < emTags.length; i++) {
    emWords += emTags[i].textContent + '\n';
  if (emWords !== '') {
    var tempInput = document.createElement('textarea');
    tempInput.value = emWords.trim();
    alert('Copied the text:\n\n' + emWords.trim());
  } else {
    alert('No <em> tags found on this page.');
I have a bookmarklet for that and before that i have one to show 100 results

javascript:(function(){ let url = new URL(window.location.href); url.searchParams.set('num', '100'); window.location.href = url.toString(); })();

But that's the thing it's a lot of sentences and how to find all the right ones and filter out the noise quickly :D
A prompt with all extracted keywords and ask for keywords related to primary keyword, for me this prompt removed brand mentions and long sentences that I noticed for a search I performed.
A prompt with all extracted keywords and ask for keywords related to primary keyword, for me this prompt removed brand mentions and long sentences that I noticed for a search I performed.
If i go to with USA VPN and look for apple pie here's 100 pages of bolded terms with your script:
starts with a tender, flaky pie crust and juicy apple slices
caramelized lattice crust filled with sweet, buttery apple slices
With a mountain of gooey cinnamon apples nestled under a flaky pie crust
super easy apple pie recipe
best homemade apple pie you'll ever make
a pie in which the principal filling is apples
baking in a brown paper bag
My perfect apple pie
McDonald's Baked Apple Pie recipe
Walk in and pick up your favorite pie today
Best Apple Pie recipe
apple pie
apple pies
apple pie
perfectly cooked apple filling, flaky crust, and tons of crumble topping
apple pie
Alton Brown's double-crust classic apple pie
easy apple pie recipe
apple pie
apple pie
apples are sautéed in butter
homemade apple pie recipe
easy apple pie recipe
classic apple pie recipe
It's a bit different than some apple pie recipes
Smitten Kitchen's new and improved pie
bake for 6o to 70 minutes
choose a mix of firm, tart, and sweet apples
Best Homemade Apple Pie of your life
Make filling: Combine sugars, salt, and spices in your absolutely largest bowl
A flaky, buttery pie crust generously filled with gently spiced apples
Sweet, tart, apples with brown sugar and cinnamon
easy, straightforward, and lacks the fussiness of some recipes
The crust is made with standard shortbread / shortcrust
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
If i go to with USA VPN and look for apple pie here's 100 pages of bolded terms with your script:
starts with a tender, flaky pie crust and juicy apple slices
caramelized lattice crust filled with sweet, buttery apple slices
With a mountain of gooey cinnamon apples nestled under a flaky pie crust
super easy apple pie recipe
best homemade apple pie you'll ever make
a pie in which the principal filling is apples
baking in a brown paper bag
My perfect apple pie
McDonald's Baked Apple Pie recipe
Walk in and pick up your favorite pie today
Best Apple Pie recipe
apple pie
apple pies
apple pie
perfectly cooked apple filling, flaky crust, and tons of crumble topping
apple pie
Alton Brown's double-crust classic apple pie
easy apple pie recipe
apple pie
apple pie
apples are sautéed in butter
homemade apple pie recipe
easy apple pie recipe
classic apple pie recipe
It's a bit different than some apple pie recipes
Smitten Kitchen's new and improved pie
bake for 6o to 70 minutes
choose a mix of firm, tart, and sweet apples
Best Homemade Apple Pie of your life
Make filling: Combine sugars, salt, and spices in your absolutely largest bowl
A flaky, buttery pie crust generously filled with gently spiced apples
Sweet, tart, apples with brown sugar and cinnamon
easy, straightforward, and lacks the fussiness of some recipes
The crust is made with standard shortbread / shortcrust
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
apple pie
This javascript will do "Word Occurrences" then you sort them now you have clean list and pick top 5 keywords from the list, this will filter out long weird keywords. ask chatgpt to make this code change for your usage.

// Extract the titles array safely
const titlesArray = $input.first().json.Titles;

// Ensure titlesArray is valid
if (!Array.isArray(titlesArray) || titlesArray.length === 0) {
    throw new Error("Invalid or empty Titles array");

// Word frequency counter
const wordCounts = {};
titlesArray.forEach(title => {
        .replace(/[^a-z0-9\s]/g, "") // Remove punctuation
        .split(/\s+/) // Split into words
        .forEach(word => {
            if (word) {
                wordCounts[word] = (wordCounts[word] || 0) + 1;

// Filter words with 5 or more occurrences and sort by frequency (descending)
const filteredWords = Object.entries(wordCounts)
    .filter(([, count]) => count >= 5)
    .sort(([, a], [, b]) => b - a)
    .map(([word, count]) => ({ Word: word, Occurrences: count }));

// Convert results to n8n output format
return => ({ json: item }));