@Ted / all
Just checking how I should read this chart and what to do best.
So in the overview tab I try to make 0's 1's when I miss important ones. Currently I benchmark it by looking at "does 1 or more of the top 3 use this factor".
But I just realized, that might be a dumb approach.
I tried to figure out what the colums means, but can't make sense of them all.
• shared page 1 = 0 while top 3 is using the factors? (I think I am interpreting it wrong)?
• share #1 max (same story)
I would sort it by the below, but I wouldn't know what I'd be actually sorting:
• "best of both correlation" (I think this is pearson and spearman from the other tabs?)
• "best of both by page" (I don't know what page/pages this refers too - and why columns would be empty in first rows)
• "share BoB" ((I don't know, but think it is pearson and spearman that are used - but why columns would be empty in first rows?)
• Or page 1 avg (my logic tells me to use this as a starting point in the first run)
Hope anyone can explain this filter system a bit so I can make better choices