What topics would you like to see in future episodes?

3 years ago in Episode 110 you compared SERPS for similar keywords (esp. singular/plural variations like 'seattle plumber' vs. 'seattle plumbers').

General Questions are:
Is this still valid today?
Is your comparison tool "Keydiff" publicly available or integrated in cora anywhere?

Background story
Our niche is a jobboard for side jobs in germany (named 'minijob' in german) with landingpages for different cities and we're monitoring exactly the same thing.

Search results differ significantly for e.g. 'minijob hamburg' and 'minijobs hamburg'.
Google Search: Minijob Hamburg
Google Search: Minijobs Hamburg

In Google Ads Keyword planner however both variants 'minijob'/'minijobs' are treated the same (cpc and search volume). Interestingly, Google Trends tells a completely different story:
https://trends.google.de/trends/explore?date=today 1-m&geo=DE&q=minijob,minijobs&hl=de

So where lies the truth (as far as truth is keyword-related to google at all ;) )?

Specific questions are:
Which variant would you focus on?
If we optimize for both keywords on the same page, could they 'cannibalize' or disturb each other in any negative way?
Love the episodes!
Would be great see an Over-The-Shoulder use of Cora on a competitive keyword, even as demo.
Would love this one too, and maybe the non-onpage SEO / for SEO-strategy. Like for example in the past I heard some people about using entities and stuff from the rapport for internal linking, stuff like that would awesome as well!
A few topics off the top of my head:

1. Anything to do with the business side and working with clients (pitching, onboarding, managing, even offboarding etc)
2. David vs Goliath SEO (how can small businesses compete against well known 'Brands')
3. Analysis of recent studies (I know Clint does a great job of this too on SEO This Week).
4. Tests and Test results.
5. GBP and GBP optimisation